
16 condensers model JKQ2790C1Q3EA(EC)S


Useair conditioning of a large shopping centre in Kazakhstan

Units: 16 condensers model JKQ2790C1Q3EA(EC)S kW 635 (per unit) – (10 Thermal megawatts)

Electrical part that can work up to -40° C

Required accessories: anti-seismic shock absorbers

Need: stocking temperature at site is +50/-40C (up to 1 year)

Solution: each DryCooler is covered in pluriball and vacuum closed in heat seal barrier bag with desiccant bags. All protruding parts have been covered with high density polyethylene in order to prevent rupture of the bag. Each unit is fixed in a crate made of lumber structure covered with OSB3 sheathing. A ventilation hole is added in both end-panels and covered with an aluminium ventilation grid. A 210my film cover with 12 months UV protection has been added over the crate to prevent water and severe weather conditions from affecting the crate.

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