Thermokey - Polonia - Vegetable storage - 8 Microchannel MKH1480.BDH - 40 Unit Coolers IMT450.76DA

8 microchannel condensers model MKH1480.BDH, 40 Unit Coolers model IMT450.76DA

Vegetables storage

The company is one of the biggest Polish producers of broccoli, cauliflower, onion, root vegetables and cruciferous vegetables. Storage capacity includes cooling chambers allowing storage of up to 13 thousand tons of vegetables.

The Polish company production of root vegetables reaches level 5.600.000 kilos, brassica vegetables at 770.000 kg, onions 3.000.000 kg (data from 2013).

Thermokey has supplied to a Polish company 8 microchannel condensers model MKH1480.BDH and 40 Unit Coolers model IMT450.76DA

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